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Why Dry Lips Vitamin Deficiency Is Right for You? 10 Natural Remedies for Dry Lips


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Dry lips are one of the most common and annoying things about lips. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to soothe and moisturize your lips. Dry lips are usually caused by vitamin deficiency. That’s why it’s important to get enough nutrients to prevent dry lips at the source.

One of the less common side effects is chapped, dry lips that seem to crack. What’s worse is that it may seem like no lip balm can improve or cure dry, chapped, or sensitive lips. While your favorite lip balm may feel good at the time and produce a lather that can be mistaken for moisture, these products don’t address the cause of dry lips. TBH, you may not know what’s causing those dry lips. Although annoying, chapped lips are common and can occur due to various reasons such as cleaning cosmetics, extreme heat, etc.

 So, before you add lip balm or try to get rid of chapped skin on your lips, here’s everything you need to know about the causes of dry lips and how to treat and prevent them.

What Causes Dry Lips?

“Dry lips can be caused by many things, such as weather, sun damage, humidity, dehydration, lip products, constant licking of lips, and poor nutrition,” says Michele Koo, MD, Board certified plastic surgeon and founder of Dr. Koo’s behavior. The skin on the lips is one of the most sensitive and dry skin on the body. and their oils. , Nekem Ugonabo, M.D., a dermatologist at Union Derm in New York, previously told Shape. Therefore, it is important to be careful to help keep the lips moist and dry.

Extreme Temperatures

“Extreme heat, such as dry heat or cold air and can dry out the skin on the lips and cause them to crack and dry,” Dr. Koo says. Environmental factors are the most common cause of dry lips; for example, when it’s cold, the humidity and humidity in the airdrop significantly, cause the water to leave your body faster. Your lips are often one of the most vulnerable parts of your face that are exposed to these cold winds and become dry, cracked, or chapped more quickly than the rest of the skin.


According to Koo, ingredients in lip products and lipsticks, such as dyes, fragrances, and fragrances are another cause of dry, chapped, chapped lips. or cracked and “You want to make sure [the lipstick] doesn’t have any fragrance, menthol, camphor, or salicylic acid. If you’re using a product and you don’t feel it’s getting better, you should think about switching to something that doesn’t work,” said Dr. Ugonabo. Lip products have strong odors and dyes tend to dry out your lips over time as these can clog your pores and disrupt the natural oil balance of your lips, as well as cause irritation or inflammation.

Vitamin and Nutrient Deficiency

Apart from cosmetics that make your lips dry, other things that are used every day or that are commonly eaten can be the cause of unexpectedly dry lips. These include mouthwash, toothpaste, dried or packaged foods that are high in preservatives, and spicy and salty foods, Dr. Koo said. Strong ingredients in mouthwash and toothpaste can irritate the lips and dry the skin. Likewise, salty, spicy, or high-preservative foods can dry out your mouth and lips and cause your skin to crack. “Cracked and dry lips can also indicate a deficiency of vitamins B9, B2, B6, and B12,” Dr. Koo says. These vitamins are important to help with energy production, cell function, tissue repair, wound healing, and healthy skin care. A lack of B vitamins can lead to dry mouth or chapped lips, as can dehydration and malnutrition, Dr. Koo says. A diet lacking essential nutrients, such as vitamins B, A, and zinc, can cause dry lips. It’s also important to make sure you stay hydrated because drinking plenty of water will help keep your skin hydrated throughout the day, Dr. Koo suggests.

Infectious medical conditions, such as colitis (a digestive disease caused by inflammation of the small intestine) or any malabsorption disease (difficulty absorbing nutrients from food) reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. , will also make the lips dry. Similarly, “dry lips can also be side effects of medications such as lithium, retinoids, or chemotherapy drugs,” Dr. Koo says. All of these medications contain emollients, which can cause dry mouth and lips.

Skin Conditions

On the other hand, some skin conditions like eczema can spread to the skin of the lips causing dryness and irritation. “Eczema of the lips”, also known as eczematous cheilitis, is often chronic and is associated with atopic dermatitis (a condition that causes dryness, and itching in the skin),” Dr. Koo explains. It appears as red, itchy, irritated, and sometimes painful lips, and is worse than chapped lips. “Often dyes, perfumes, or certain toothpaste or lipsticks can trigger an allergic reaction, causing allergic cheilitis similar to eczematous cheilitis,” Dr. Koo says. The difference between the two is that cheilitis can be chronic and come back, while allergic cheilitis can disappear within 24 hours.

 According to Koo, another condition associated with dry lips is thrush, which is a fungal (yeast) infection of the mouth that can occur in the corners of the mouth. Thrush occurs when the yeast Candida which usually lives in the mouth and throat grows. Although it is common in people with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases such as diabetes, it can occur due to dry mouth and lips, because this upsets the normal balance in the mouth and increases the risk of developing thrush. Thrush appears as a red, irritated, and painful area that does not heal. Thrush can also affect the dry or wet part of the lips and appear as white patches or dry, sore, Dr. Koo said.

How to Treat and Prevent Dry Lips

Just like you moisturize the skin on your body to prevent dryness, your lips also need a little TLC to lock in moisture. Here are some simple tips and preventative measures you can take to ensure your dry lips stay hydrated.


One of the first ways to combat dry lips is to keep track of the products you use on them, as this is often the source of the problem. Dr. Avoid using perfumed lip products, which can be irritating, as well as perfumed lipsticks, which lead to constant lip licking, suggests Koo. Dr. Koo suggested. These products often contain synthetic dyes made from aluminum and are often labeled on the packaging as “D& C Red No. 21” or a similar combination of colors and numbers. These unusual dyes can cause irritation or allergic reactions that can lead to chapped and chapped lips. Instead, you’ll want to “protect the lips with a lip balm and SPF because sun exposure on the lips can cause sunburn,” still says. Dr. Koo.

Environment and Weather

If you live in a hot tropical environment, “cover your lips with a scarf to protect them from dying due to extreme cold and wind,” Dr. Koo says. Cold air often attracts moisture to the lips, causing them to crack and chap. By adding a buffer between the lips and the air, you can provide relief from the negative effects of the cold. Another way to keep your skin hydrated is to ensure that the air in your home is not dry. “Use a heater at home and especially at night in the bedroom to add moisture to the air and [prevent] dry air and heat by drying the lips and skin,” Dr. Koo says.

Skin Care

“For dry lips, you want something moisturizing and non-greasy, which means it’s really going to seal in moisture,” says Dr. Ugonabo. invisible like petroleum jelly, shea butter, mineral oil, and ceramides. You can easily incorporate these products into your routine, for example, “at night, coat your lips with Vaseline, Nivea, coconut oil, or vitamin E oil to moisturize your lips,” explains Dr. Koo. Vaseline is a highlighter because of its main ingredient: petrolatum. “It works to prevent dry and chapped lips from retaining moisture,” Rachel Maiman, MD, Marmur Medical’s board-certified dermatologist, told Shape earlier. ” This prevents further water loss, as it can be caused by environmental factors such as cold, and hot winters, and improves the repair of the barrier. ” Covering the lips with a moisturizing product will ensure that the lips do not dry out overnight, especially since they are hot. and air conditioners can absorb water from the air on the skin. Finally, wash your skin every night, especially when you apply makeup because sleeping with makeup and lipsticks can dry out your skin, Dr. Koo said.

Medical Conditions

In severe cases, your dry, chapped lips can become infected and lead to viral cheilitis (inflammation of the lips due to bacterial or fungal infection), and antibiotic help may be necessary, according to Dr. Koo. If your lips are dry or irritated after doing the above steps, or if you experience bleeding lips, swelling in the mouth, hives (a rash that develops with relief, itching), or difficulty breathing, you should see a dermatologist, such as Dr. Although dry, chapped lips are uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and extremely irritating, there are things you can do to prevent dry lips and keep your skin soft. , soft, and wet. By making these changes regularly and using the right products to nourish and protect wet lips, you’ll be able to get rid of dry lips in no time.

10 Natural Remedies for Dry Lips 

Here are 10 natural remedies for dry lips due to vitamin deficiency: 

1. Increase Vitamin A Intake: 

Vitamin A is essential for healthy lips, as it helps keep them moisturized and strengthens skin cells. Foods that are rich in vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens like spinach or kale, and red peppers.

 2. Eat Foods Rich in Vitamins C & E:

Vitamins C & E both contain powerful antioxidants which help protect against environmental damage from exposure to the sun or extreme temperatures. Foods such as oranges, strawberries, mangoes, and bell peppers provide an excellent source of vitamin C; while almonds or hazelnuts offer great sources of vitamin E! 

 3. Apply Coconut Oil:

 Coconut oil is packed with fatty acids which work to deeply moisturize your lips while also providing them with protection against further irritation or inflammation due to its antibacterial properties! Simply take a small amount on your finger each night before bedtime – this will give you maximum hydration throughout the night! 

 4. Use Aloe Vera Gel: 

Aloe vera gel has many healing properties that work quickly on irritated skin – it’s also gentle enough for sensitive areas like our delicate lip skin! Take some fresh aloe vera gel directly from a leaf (or buy some pre-made) then apply a thin layer gently over your lip area twice daily – once in the morning upon waking up and once before bedtime at night time!  

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Hydrating yourself with plenty of water is key when dealing with dry lips caused by vitamin deficiency – not only does this help flush out toxins but it will ensure that all those vital nutrients reach their destination quicker too! Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses per day during hot weather periods if you want speedy results when treating your dryness issues!.  

6 . Exfoliate Regularly :

Exfoliating regularly can be an excellent way to remove any dead surface cells which may be contributing towards causing more severe symptoms like cracked/peeling patches on our lips – use a soft brush or scrubby cloth alongside an organic cleanser twice weekly for best results here!.  

7. Avoid Hot Drinks : 

Avoid anything hot such as coffee/tea/hot chocolate etc – these drinks often contain dehydrating ingredients which will exacerbate existing problems (try switching over instead). If you do want something warm then opt for herbal teas instead – these tend not to contain any caffeine so won’t cause further dehydration issues either!.   

8 . Supplement With Biotin : 

Biotin helps promote cell growth within our bodies – working particularly well on fragile areas like our nails & skin tissue too (including our delicate lip area). Take 5000 mcg daily as part of your vitamins routine if possible – this should make visible improvements within 4 weeks!.    

9. Take Fish Oil Capsules :

Fish oil capsules have Omega 3 fatty acids which work wonders when trying Sea beauty products such as fish oil capsules have omega-3 fatty acids which work wonders when trying to reduce inflammation plus promote healthy cell development too!.        

10. Condition Your Lips With Natural Oils : 

Natural oils including coconut, almond & apricot kernel oils all provide amazing conditioning benefits without using nasty chemicals found in many high street brands – apply a tiny dab onto the fingertip each morning & evening and massage into affected areas very lightly until fully absorbed. Each of these natural remedies should help alleviate any symptoms linked with dried-out damaged looking chapped lips quickly and affordably too!

while dry lips can be frustrating and uncomfortable, it’s important to remember that there are simple steps you can take to address the issue and prevent it from happening

Reference: Shape  

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